I am big supporter of messy-sensory experiences (as you will soon notice a trend with my posts) and like to 'spice-up' the Discovery Table as often as possible. Undoubtably, shaving cream is not a new idea in Preschool classrooms. We use it on trays to write words, to cover objects for children to scrape clean, in buckets of water to make 'mush,' to name a few. This time I decided to see how much shaving cream was actually in a bottle. At the bottom of this bucket are a collection of small items (gems, small animals, game pieces, etc). At first the shaving cream does not look like much and will require some 'mushing', this is an activity in itself!
1. Have a child mix/fluff up the shaving cream.
2. Hide (or have a child hide) items in the shaving cream.
3. Have children search with their hands to pull out and clean off the hidden items. (Provide tongs for children sensory challenges).
Tip: Use a clear tub/bucket so that children can see what's happening/hiding in the tub. Also, put out large popsicle sticks to help the children clean off the larger objects and their body.
This idea was part of a "Letter of the Week" program, not for letter S but for letter L as we called it, "Looking in Lather."