Thursday, December 29, 2011

'Santa Slime' (Regular slime with a holiday twist)

I can't believe it's been two months since my last post, this is what happens when your job changes and you spend less time getting crafty in a classroom. This is a recipe for slime that I have used for a while. This is not the drippy, slippery slime but more the silly putty consistency of slime. However, this is not what I consider silly putty, I make that creation from a different recipe.

Since I used this slime as a holiday gift for students I tutor I created 'make your own Santa slime' kits for each student. Included in the kit were the items in the photo, a bottle of glue, baggie with Borax, 'holiday dust' (green glitter), a baggie to contain the slime and of course, the recipe with a quick intro to why it's called Santa Slime.

I have attached the PDF with the recipe here:
Santa Slime

Happy Sliming!