Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome Back Bulletin Board

It's hard to believe, but that elusive first day of a school is right around the corner- who else can feel it staring us down?  Like so many other teachers, I have been running around my classroom trying to get my room ready for the invasion erm, first day.  

I have adopted a farm theme for my new Kinder classroom.  Along with my cow and pig cubby tags, farm name plates, and book barn bins (library) I have pieced together this farm scene welcome board.  Usually, I opt to make everything myself but this BBA (bulletin board accessory) was too cute to try to re-create with homemade items.  It came with two 'multicultural' farmers who were pretty much the least multicultural, ever so they got stuffed in the closet.  I tried to represent my homemade craftiness by making my own glitter text.  The board reads, "Welcome to the herd" and the animals and hay bales feature student names.  I may add something with my room number and 'Kindergarten,' but I'm not totally sold on the idea just yet.  

Have a great first day!

Feel free to support my classroom via Adopt-A-Classroom!