At the end of the day today I walked into the classroom next to where I am long term subbing. Sitting on the table was a Seuss activity, ready for the morning. There I was, teaching in the home state of Dr Rhyme totally forgetting his birthday- opps! I came home from school with a mission- find Seuss ideas for tomorrow.

All I have to say is that after Google and Pinterest searching I remembered that Dr Seuss has an amazing website. If you don't know what i'm talking about you need to immediately follow the link at the bottom of this post. Seussville is a website for students and teachers complete with everything from games to lesson plans (there is a parent's section as well). The educators section has a month by month event guide featuring teaching guides for various books correlating to the 'holiday' of the month.
Check out Seussville! (http://www.seussville.com/)
Just remember that at the end of the day (after you've heard your name a million times over, you are convinced you're going to be saying the same name in your sleep that you said every 2 minutes and you just can't wait to get to 100 gems/jewels/compliments/marbles/whatever so you can have pj day), “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Have a Seuss-tastic Friday!

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