My quest for free online resources continues! Today's find is a multi-level collection of games supporting each of the core subjects. While I was leery of the website as it appeared to be a software company, it actually has a plethora of free games.
After getting past the visually overwhelming design of the homepage I was excited to explore the numerous categories. I discovered as I was selecting options around the page that many of the words and icons I scrolled over were being read aloud. I tried out a few of the games and found that this read aloud feature continued within the games, including a read aloud of the directions.

Along with being able to select by subject you are also able to select an additional Preschool collection. The games in the preschool collection have softer graphics and are great for Preschool and Kindergarten usage. If you hang out with the big kids, there is oodles of stuff for you on this site as well!

Within the Preschool-Kindergarten section of the website I think the Animals section is the best feature. The animal section features a collection of activities themed for ocean, jungle, forest and farm. The direct link to this portion of the site is: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/animals.htm

If you hang out with the big kids, there is oodles of stuff for you on this site as well! I liked the the life cycles activities. These activities are themed for frog, butterfly and bird life cycles. Once a creature is selected you have the option of watching a video or playing a game. I played the butterfly game and was presented with icons for the different stages of the butterfly life cycle. To play the game you organize the icons onto a life cycle circle. When the incorrect icon is selected the icon would fly back to the start point rather than attach to the circle. The direct link for the life cycle science games is: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/index.htm
Link to Sheppard Software homepage: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/
Link to Sheppard's Preschool page: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/preschool.htm
Thanks for reading!

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