Are you ready for the love-fest that will be invading Kinder classrooms everywhere starting tomorrow?
I always get some kick out of how Kinders turn the holiday that happens during a month into something that begins on the first day of that month. We all know the moment that the "October" calendar title gets placed on the classroom calendar there are cheers of, "Halloween!" We go through the same process in December (oh man- December), and February brings us to "I got Trolls valentines!" "My mommy said I can get Shopkins cards!" Today brought a special moment where one of my students informed everyone that she would be wearing special leggings for Valentine's day and that people should touch them because they will be really soft. (Teachable moment of the morning- reminders about keeping hands to ourselves even if we want to touch someone's clothes.)

I've ranked the three sets I tried for cuteness factor and how user friendly they are for my Kinders. All three of these packs are adorable and well constructed. I tested out writing on the "To" and "From" lines on each of these cards and I was able to write on the Valentine with a pencil- no permanent marker required here! You'll be happy with any of these!
Each bookmark pops out of a rectangular card which fits neatly inside the enclosed white envelope. The envelopes have enough adhesive to actually stick (envelopes that don't stick are one of my teacher peeves.)

The kit comes with envelopes and stickers. My plan was to use the stickers on the envelope (even though the envelopes are sticky enough to stick shut) so that the envelope is reusable. I love the idea of playing the game, don't so much love the idea of finding little X and O game pieces everywhere- easy fix if you use the envelope to hold the pieces!

Okay- I am partial to a pencil "gift" for my students. These scratch and sniff pencil toppers have a sweet grape or strawberry scent to them (even though I was nervous about smelling the skunk- don't worry, all good!) The holes in these cards made for easy assembly. The only thing to know about these is that while the box seems large enough to have pencils included, it does not.
You can get any of these Valentines here!
What ever way you celebrate with all your little Valentines, I wish you a month full of love! All holidays are month long after all, remember?